Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Open Delsey Combination Lock

Solutions, deadlocks ...

The kingdom is buffeted by the Sahrawi since the barbaric invasion of the territory in 1975 and before ... After the Nth demonstration of it during the entire month of October, the violent and bloody episode of 8 November solved nothing.

Without shame, says Morocco's record on Nov. 8 and the following days. 11 dead soldiers, 2 civilians and Sahrawi. Saharawi civilians that have been attacked with the army, gendarmerie, police, auxiliary forces, civilians, firefighters, and even the reinforcement of the reinforcement .... were the strongest, with their stones and kitchen knives. The record is suspect but said unashamedly, as if to ignore the reason for the deaths of civilians - they can not deny-, one under torture, the other crashed deliberately and repeatedly by a car police after he was ejected because of his company, OCP.

The king must act ... And the king acts with a lot of his sentences mechanical propaganda agency, MAP.
It uses the old method, the old belief, yet ineffective. To satisfy the Saharawi, there later in the desert, he must put their positions of leadership. Provided of course that they have adopted the values and Royal lost theirs. He was appointed
Ahmadou Ould Souelm, one of the Sahrawi "joined", as Morocco's ambassador to Spain, and was stuck in a closet. This old asset will finally take office. Ahmadou Ould Souelm chose Morocco 20 years ago, in 1991.
The king also changes with great fanfare by the Governor of El Aaiun. Another Sahrawi "Maraoui" he called, Khalil Dkhil, has little taste the flavor of the fight for freedom since he opted for Morocco in 1976. http://www.marocjournal.net/actualites-maroc/18567.html and http://www.marocjournal.net/actualites-maroc/18559.html

Other technique, another tactic. The Saharawi do they work, 1300 jobs are promised to those who have advanced degrees. For everyone: government positions in the administrations of cities in Morocco. Ministry of Interior and others. Disperse the elite, distancing, integrate ... Other positions will come out of a hat at the expense of Moroccans, to use the least notionally graduates, and thus attempt to disperse them and muzzle. Attempt by the effectiveness of a stab in the water, probably promises not required, but the logical negation of the problem of self-determination.

But the building craze inexorably.
King shrugs, jumps up and insult those who do not clone version. Spain, Europe, Algeria ... who's next? The kingdom

despises Saharawis, it reads the functioning of their society in the light of the archaisms of its operation, according to photographs of the 17th century.
To divide and rule tactic, he clings to the illusion of a functioning tribal. Indian Tribes probably led by the nose by the leaders, group and not with a functioning democracy that can not bypass the importance of the role of women without whom nothing is decided, and who has adapted to the changing world, protected by the force of the fight for independence.
If for the purposes of propaganda services royal plagiarize terms of resistance and their Sahrawi Republic, they did not measure the tremendous learning that 35 years of exile imposed on the Saharawi had, nor the impact on their families living in occupied territories.

Some are the king's orders, other orders for their release.
In the Moroccan army, where the recruits home Sahrawi, they rebel and protest. Units in southern Morocco, Gulmim, Tantan, the Saharawi denounced violent attacks against the camps Gdem Izik against their families. The answer is dictatorial
to remove all soldiers of Saharan origin to more than 50 km of the wall they keep. Yet, journalists say that soldiers of the army in Morocco have recently defected to pass the wall and the border and join the Polisario. The Saharawi

arrested have been tortured, Human Rights Watch tells the stories of those who dare to speak. And in El Aaiun, everyone knows the ban to show his wounds shot under penalty of torture and other abuses.
Bruises buried years of terror, when each could disappear Sahraoui removed by police and not reappear for some years after that where ever, are on edge. Back photos that had been thought missing injured body without the faces of fear ...

The king must act ... In
dictatorial rule, where freedoms are only monitored, solve a problem does not go through the rhetoric. When eliminating the problem of violence does not work, we try to change the settings, but the problem remains. And in this case reality a brutal invasion, appropriation by force of the earth neighbors is not eligible, despite all the anger and quirks to convince otherwise.
And finally the problem is that these neighbors colonized, the Sahrawi, hear get all their land to determine its future, as it is justice.

Apso, 7 December 2010.

Attention video with images of violence.


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